3.05 - Touch Screen Features

Touch screen features are found under playlist settings, to open playlist Settings:

Playlist Settings

  • Go to the playlists page
  • Hover on your playlist, you will see the settings button on the top right as shown in the image
  • Click on it to open playlist settings


Manual control

Manual Control

  • This feature works on touch screens or using a remote control with a navigation pad
  • Check the manual control box to stop automatic playlist playback.
  • On your screen, swipe left and right to view the media of your playlist


Screen Saver

Screen Saver

  • Screensaver is used with manual control to playback another playlist when the screen is idle
  • To assign a screensaver, choose one of your existing playlists from the drop down

Reset Timeout

  • If the playlist is not on the first media in the playlist, after this timeout, the playlist will return to the first media
  • If a screensaver is assigned, the reset timeout is the idle time of the screen before playing the screensaver.



  • Check this box if you want to show left and right arrows on your screen while using manual control
  • Below is a preview of the navigation buttons on the screen

Navigation Screen


Tap to Start

Tap To Start

  • Check Tap to start box to show it on top of the screensaver
  • Type in the tap to start text that will show on the screen on top of the screensaver
  • Below is a preview of the tap to start and screensaver playlist

Tap To Start Screen